

Machine Learning Engineer at OVHcloud

Hi there 👋
I am an engineering student. I love working with Data & AI. You will find below some projects that I realized !

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Machine Learning / Data Science
Brain tumors segmentation
U-Net, Tensorflow, Keras & Streamlit
Train a U-Net model to detect brain tumors through image segmentation. Implementation of a Streamlit interface to use the trained model and visualize the various 2D slices.
Fine-Tuning LLaMA 2
Unlock the full potential of LLaMA 2 by fine-tuning it on a specific dataset
Speech to text app
Hugging Face Transformers, pyannote.audio, PyTorch & Streamlit
Creation of an app to transcribe audio and video files into English, with numerous options such as diarization, summarization and video subtitle generation.
Image generation
DCGAN, PyTorch
Train Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks on various image datasets to generate “fake” images.
Pokemon Classifier
Build and train a CNN, & fine-tune VGG model to identify and classify Pokemon images, emulating the functionality of a Pokedex.
Tracking Camera
OAK-1 Camera, Pan Tilt Hat, Raspberry Pi 4, YOLOv4 Tiny, PyQt
Creation of a system capable of recognizing and tracking a person, and of a PyQt interface.
Data Visualization
Air Quality Analyzer
Open Data, Pandas, Numpy, Streamlit
Analysis of the impact of Covid-19 and lockdowns on air quality in Brittany